Sunday, May 22, 2011

Long Overdue

I believe that when a person goes through a traumatic experience that they either remember every single detail about it and constantly re-experience it or attempt to block it out until the memory resurfaces.  I've battled with my own experience for the last eight years.  I've tried to explain it to my friends with limited or no success.  They either don't or can't understand because they weren't there.  And even though I don't doubt that they care, I know that many of my closest friends haven't really been listening because they are dealing with their own traumas which I completely understand.  We only know our own pain and it's hard to cope with anything outside our own fragile sensibilities.  I've tried counseling but that has limits. The truth is that there is a story to be told.  Once it is told in its entirety, then I hope that I will finally be free of it.

The Misguided Children is my story.  It is both epic and fragile at the same time.  It is comedic, dramatic, tragic, and at times ironic.  I have experienced terror and fear, and great joy and courage.  I don't expect everyone who reads it to understand it.  I don't even expect everyone who reads it to believe it.  I'm not even sure that I believe it all even though it is all true.  It is a work in progress as am I.  If you have been a fan of this blog then I hope you will give it a read.  If you have been bored by my incessant rambling here, then maybe you will like a more structured story.  As I said this is my story, and while I'm not sure if it's anything that anyone will actually want to read, I am absolutely certain that it is one I need to tell.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

What is the point?

So another of Lance Armstrong's former teammates has come forward to say that Lance was using EPO during the 1999, 2001, and 2002 Tour de France.  Why?  Why is it so crucial to media and to the U.S. Government to bring this man down?  We live in a world besmirched by war, natural disasters, a lousy economy, hatred and fear.  Most people are so wrapped up in their sad little existences that they don't even recognize real problems.  Lance Armstrong had brain, lung and testicular cancer...  AT THE SAME TIME!!!  Who cares that he won the Tour de France once or seven times...  HE BEAT THREE DIFFERENT STRANDS OF CANCER!!!  Then he had the unmitigated nerve to use his celebrity to form the Livestrong Foundation which raises millions upon millions of dollars to fight cancer!!  I definitely think that the media and the U.S. Government should spend countless hours and money trying to prove that this man cheated in a bike race.  Are you fucking kidding me?!?!  The man cheated death!!!  Who the hell cares about a bike race?!?!?  He has one nut left and these lousy bastards want to cut that one off too!!!  The executives that destroyed the economy get a free pass but Lance Armstrong needs to be taken down a notch?!  What other American professional athlete spends as much time trying to inspire people and fund cancer research?!?!  Certainly not any of the whining crybaby millionaires in the NFL who can't even figure out if they are in a union!!!  Certainly not any of the tattoo covered, dope smoking, wife leaving, thug life wanna be "stars" in the NBA!!!  Certainly not any of the drive up each other's asses at 200 mph NASCAR drivers!!!  Certainly not any of the "I'm awesome because I do my job 30% of the time" guys in MLB!!! (Batting .300 is 30% for those who need help!!)  My mother died of cancer and I had to watch it.  I can't help but admire Lance Armstrong.  Nothing anyone has said or will ever say can change that.  Now leave him alone and start going after the people that are destroying the world we live in!

Well, if you are still reading this then you obviously have as much time on your hands as I do and if that's the case then you have my sympathies.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Rest In Peace Macho Man

I love sports, movies, music, pop culture, comic books, novels, history, beer, and politics.  I like to consider myself relatively well spoken, read and educated.  If I have a vice, an addiction so to speak, it's to pro-wrestling.  I am fully aware of each and every stigma attached to it, and I honestly don't care.  I'm hooked.  I've been hooked since I stayed up to late on a Saturday night in 1987 and saw a guy dressed like Elvis smash a guitar over a stringy haired, bearded dude wearing purple trunks with three white stars on the front and Macho Man printed on the back.  A few minutes later, Hulk Hogan was lead to the ring by a woman in a torn dress to save him.  When the dust settled the two men shook hands in the center ring.  That was my introduction to Randy Savage.  There was something about his weird voice, head band, ridiculous capes, and sunglasses that made him cool.  Twenty three years ago I saw an interview with the Macho Man where he uttered the words "I've got me a tag team partner, and he's the greatest tag team partner that anybody in the world could ever have!!  AND HERE HE COMES RIGHT NOW..."  and out came Hulk Hogan to form the Mega Powers.  I guess I'm a fanboy geek because that is still cool to me.  I always enjoyed watching the Macho Man whether it was for WWE, WCW, NWO, Slim Jim, or occasionally in the movies.  Nobody ever wasted their money to see Randy Savage.  Heaven is a little brighter today and the world is little less colorful.  You will be missed Randy.  You were flawed, a bit crazy, tempermental, talented, entertaining and often imitated but never duplicated.  I wish you fair winds and calm seas.  Rest in peace.