We live in the most dangerous time this country has scene since the McCarthy era. I love technology and instant access to everything, but there has been a really unfortunate side effect. Reality TV, Youtube, Facebook and Twitter have eroded what we want to see in our news, our entertainment and ourselves to the lowest common denominator. How else can you explain the appeal of a hate-mongering bigoted demagogue like Rick Santorum being a front runner for the Republican Nomination for President of the Union States. This guy is so bat shit crazy that he compares homosexuality to beastiality and actually wants to give the Pope a cabinet post?!?! The Pope?!?! The same guy who swore up and down that child sexual abuse by priests never happened in Europe?!?! Is Jerry Sandusky gonna be up for the Secretary of the Interior in your administration Rick?!? After all he's from Pennsylvania?!?! Santorum is every bit as scary as Adolph Hitler should have been in 1930's Germany. I don't claim to be smart enough to run for office, but I know enough about our government to know that we absolutely can't turn the keys of the most powerful nation on Earth over to someone who has no idea what the Constitution actually says. I love to drink beer. I mean I really love to drink beer. It doesn't matter to me if it's Natural Ice, PBR or Samuel Adams, but I'm not looking to elect someone because it'd be cool to share a beer with. That's an absolutely idiotic way to pick a leader. It's a miracle that Paulie D and the Situation aren't the Senators from New Jersey!!! Wait... are they?!?
We live in a world where Barrack Obama spent 650 million dollars to win a $400,000 a year job?!?! We live in a world where liberals from the Northeast want to know how George W. Bush got elected twice but have re-elected Tom Menino five times?!!?! We live in a world where the teacher's union is the root cause of all the ills in our society but the corrupt as sin politicians and bankers who screwed us all are given a free pass?!?! The Dow Jones is 10,000 points higher than when Bill Clinton took office but we're in the worst recession since the Depression?!?! We live in a world where talent and intelligence are subjugated by mediocrity and stupidity, how else can you explain why anyone knows Kim Kardashian's name?!?! Bruce Jenner won a gold medal in the Olympics and her father was a legal wizard, she is a fame grubbing publicity whore?!?! Teen Mom?!?! Really?!?! How in the hell can you call that entertainment?!?! How in the hell can WWE's ratings be down?!? Ex wrestlers drop dead of drug overdoses all the time. One even killed his wife and autistic son and then hanged himself on his Nautilus?!?! Seems like MTV and E should be camped outside 24/7?!?! Charlie Sheen played himself on Two and a Half Men for eight years and got fired?!?! Seems like he'd be the perfect new housemate on Jersey Shore?!?! Who the Hell is running ESPN?!?! There are like 1.6 billion Asians on this planet and your ignorant asses want to racially profile the only one who plays in the NBA?!?! Is anyone actually surprised that Floyd Mayweather Jr. has anger management issues and beat up his ex?!?! If The Walking Dead is a reflection of the human condition than we should all just shoot ourselves now or hope to get bit first when the zombies take over!!! Why did the Federal Government prosecute Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens for perjury and just let the banking industry walk?!?! Does any actually care if they did steroids?!? For that matter why are the sports writers such disgusting fat asses?!?! Why do they get to decide who gets into the Halls of Fame?!?! Wasn't there a less qualified group of people we could find?!?! Am I the only person who gets angry when some jerkoff won't stand up or take his hat off when the National Anthem is played?!?! Why is that we don't want the best and brightest to defend us or teach our children or lead us?!?! How often have you heard the following: You are too smart and talented to join the military, be a teacher or go into politics, besides there's no money in it!!! Yet we wonder why we get attacked, our schools fail, and our leaders are frauds!!!!
Well if you are still reading this then you obviously have as much time on your hands as I do, and if that's the case then you have my sympathies.