Nothing is sacred. No one tells the truth. No one accomplishes anything without cheating. Nobody needs to worry about guns because guns don't kill people. Any person that lives in this country who isn't Christian is not a real American. Any person who believes gun control is at the very least a topic worthy of discussion is not a real American. Any person who believes that in the richest most powerful nation in the world no one should go without health care is not a real American. Any person who believes that cuts to defense spending is not a real American. Any person who believes we should ignore the obvious fact that this planet is going through a climate change is not a real American. Any person who has ever received ANY help from the government is not a real American. Any person who voted for Barrack Obama is not a real American. Any person who believes that there is an obesity problem in this country is not a real American. Any person who believes that teachers are overworked, underpaid and unappreciated is not a real American. Any person who believes that the rich should pay their fair share is not a real American. Any person who believes that the death penalty doesn't work but abortion should be legal is not a real American. I think that pretty much sums up the genuine bigotry that has been flashing over Facebook for the last several months.
Lance Armstrong has admitted to doping. The federal government has successfully torn down a man who inspired those with cancer, and raised millions to combat that disease. The government has seen fit to spend millions tearing him down. What has been gained? He will never spend one day in jail. Even if he pays a fine, it will not pay back the millions spent prosecuting him. He simply now joins the ranks of Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens and Mark McGuire. It is too simple to say that the drugs are the reason he won those races and honest people know that. All the other athletes who were taking drugs couldn't beat any of them. The truth, as ugly as it is, is really simple, there is a reason they are called Performance ENHANCERS. I don't care about them. Personally I want all pro athletes doing and taking whatever it takes to compete and win at the highest level. If they make millions of dollars and live high on the cheers of others then I want the biggest, strongest, fastest, and nastiest sons of bitches on the planet. I don't care if they live long lives after they retire, for this simple reason, once they retire I don't care about them anymore. Does that sound harsh? Not compared to people showing pictures of their assault rifles in the wake of an unspeakable tragedy. Not compared to people who would rather call the President of the United States a nigger than even discuss changing a long overdue tax code. When did informed debate die in America?
I'm a veteran. I served in Iraq. My father served in Vietnam. My grandfather served in World War II. I love America. I don't believe that if you want to change things about this country that means you don't love it and you should leave. That actually goes AGAINST everything that this country was founded on. I think we would do well to look for what unites us instead of what divides us.