A slight is a perceived feeling of being left out or screwed over by someone important or close.
First off, once and for all accept that words hurt. It's a stupid little joke that words can never hurt you. Some of the most painful things in the world are words. I'm a big dude and I can take a punch or a kick, but some of the most pain I've ever felt have been caused by words. Here are some phrases that I think classify as slights and what is actually meant/heard:
- I don't want to be rude, but... (something really nasty is coming!)
- I've just been so busy lately... (and you don't really matter to me!)
- I've been meaning to talk to you... (no you haven't!)
- I would've written, but I didn't know what to say... (actually I'm just totally insensitive/lying!)
- If you're hurting then it's on you... (I don't care because I'm not hurting!)
- Respect me enough not to ask me why... (I know you won't agree and might have a valid point that I don't want to hear!)
- Everybody's going through some stuff... (and I really don't care about your shit!)
- That's not the same as... (thank you for belittling how I feel because you think you've been through worse!)
- We wanted to include you but... (insert lame ass reason here!)
- You're too... (short, average, dumb, loud, arrogant, simple, mean, nice. etc!)
- Please check this out... (thing you've been excluded from)
- I didn't think you'd say yes... (thanks for giving me an option)
- I'm broke... (then you post something on facebook about spending money or going somewhere!)
- I don't care about... (Yes you do! Ever notice that you only say this about stuff that bothers you?!)
- I just figured... (actually you didn't even think so you shouldn't start this way)
- It's not that big a deal... (if it's causing an issue then it's a big deal!)
- You never listen.. (this one's good when it comes from someone who never opens up!)
- YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN... (caps signify yelling. irony?)
- I talked to you about this... (WHEN?!?! Never happened and you're desperately looking for an out!)
- Well I don't have time to deal with this... (or you because you don't matter!)
- How dare you... (consider how you'd feel if someone says this to you?!?!)
- Stop being so sensitive.. (thanks for belittling me!)
I know that I've said a lot of these phrases and that means that I have slighted people and for that I am sorry. But these are lines I've been hearing a lot lately either to me or to friends of mine and I think that it should be noted that the only person who feels better when these phrases are said is the speaker. Trust me when I say this, you are not protecting the other person's feelings or appearing sympathetic if you say these things to a friend who is hurting and needs help. On the contrary you are coming off as a sanctimonious asshole and you are in danger of making an enemy!!
Well if you're still reading this then you obviously have as much time on your hands as I do and if that's the case then you have my sympathies.